*without anything much more interesting to do than staring at my nails.
Yes unfortunately I am not the queen of beautifully pampered nails rather far away from it I would say on the opposite planet.
* this of course doesn't meen that I don't care about them at all. No way I wouldn't go that far!
What I'm trying to say is that I keep them simple, neat no nail polish etc. Ekhm oh wait did I say no nail polish...well yes nearly no nail polish because I'm the queen of forgetting to take it of in time. Yes it's horrible and yes I literally don't use a nail polish remover because before I know it it's all gone by itself! Magic!
* to men if there are are any reading this I suggest you stop from now.
But when summer comes which means some free time to really take care of myself getting a professionally done manicure and pedicure is something I love.
*I mean what girl doesn't?!
I think it's the hot summer vibe that makes it all happen.
*i heard that in Brazil you can literally find any colour of the rainbow for nail polish!
Finally after a long winter you change into all your colourful dresses, sun kissed skin and cute sandals and your nails are just calling for some colour on them!
So puff you go crazy neon, red, nude, or...sparkling!
My ultimate choice for this spring/summer.
Yes it looks a bit kitsch a bit "I love disco party" but.. it's fun!
And give me anything with colourful dots and I will love it right away!.♥